SPI-Hub™: Scholarly Publishing Information Hub
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
ARPHA Preprints
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ARPHA Preprints is not open for direct submission of preprints, but only through the submission systems of the participating ARPHA journals. It is designed to answer the growing need for faster dissemination of scientific research by posting preprints (not peer-reviewed, not copyedited and not typeset versions of manuscripts) submitted to journals hosted on ARPHA Platform that have selected this service. Preprints are optional, therefore authors need to confirm during submission whether they want their manuscript to be posted as a preprint. The scope and the article type of preprints are determined by those of the journal. Currently, the participating journals are: Acta Ichtyologica et Piscatoria, Biodiversity Data Journal, BioRisk, Biosystematics and Ecology, Herpetozoa, Nature Conservation, NeoBiota, Neotropical Biology and Conservation, One Ecosystem, PhytoKeys, Population and Economics, Research Ideas and Outcomes, Rethinking Ecology, ZooKeys.
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Corporate Sponsors and/or Investors:
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ARPHA Preprints
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Number of records in preprint server:
Over 200 records